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Upbeat Dance Class

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Salsa on 2?

Salsa on 2 is a style of salsa that originated in New York, and was popularized by Eddie Torres. Contrary to Salsa on 1, this version of salsa connects the dancer's steps more to the instruments, rather than the lyrics. It also has a smoother "feel" and is known for sophisticated turn patterns.

What if I don't have any dance experience?

You don't need any! Regardless of your experience level, I like to structure my first few classes on body movement and basic steps. The great thing about salsa is that once your foundation is polished, the harder stuff will come naturally.

What levels do you teach?

I teach classes from Beginner to Advanced Intermediate. As I continue to take more private lessons, hopefully I'll be able to teach Advanced lessons by the end of 2022 :).

How do I book a lesson?

Email me at or fill out your information in the Contact section! I'll reach out to you shortly to schedule our first lesson.

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